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Voter’s Superstitions

Voter’s Superstitions are Alive and Well

By Twinty Karat

Superstitions are always paranormal and irrational, having no scientific basis related to them. This is sometimes the case in politics where candidates are being elected for office that voter’s superstitions come into play. Most superstitions are age old beliefs carried out from generation to generation as traditions or customs. Voter’s superstitions are much newer, but like most superstitions have no real basis of fact behind them.

Even though many people are not superstitious, they tend to become such owing to the situations and the events that take place in their lives.

A much less number of people are immune to superstitions. Politicians and film stars are highly superstitious. Many politicians follow these superstitions when the question of their candidates‘s winning or losing arises. They perform many rituals and customs to increase the chances of their candidates.

There are many superstitions prevalent also in the political field. Some people do not shave their beards or do not go for a hair cut till the results are out. There are others who carry lucky charms along with them like the rabbit’s paw or an acorn too. The color blue and red is avoided by voters in many parts of the world. It is considered as an ill omen for the candidate.

These and many other kinds of voter’s superstitions are still prevalent today. The system of education has failed miserably to eradicate the superstitious beliefs and thoughts instilled in the minds of people in nearly every field, including politics. It has failed to promote the scientific spirit in the minds of people.

There are still some educated people surviving in this world who shun these voter’s superstitions and say that why don’t people throw away electronic machines of voting and ballot papers with psychic readings and astrology. The election commission should get rid of the process of elections and instead should choose the candidates by mystic readings and astrological concepts if at all the superstitions related to voters are to be counted.

In San Francisco, as soon as the hustle and bustle of the approaching elections and campaigning gets nearer, many economic superstitions start prevailing among the voters. There is this example of Adina Matisoff who went out to play a pool game out of an eagerness to celebrate the win of Vice-President Al Gore but later on when Gore suffered defeat, Adina blamed herself for this defeat.

This is a great example of the psychology of a human brain that cannot wait and watch the winning and losing of their favorite ones. There is a strange state of mind that these persons undergo at that very moment. Another of voter’s superstitions is the superstition goes that one should never celebrate before the final declarations have been made and confirmed. One more superstition revolves around the U.S. President Obama whose manager who looked after the Ohio campaign did not shave till the results were declared. This particular voter’s superstition says that doing so will improve the chances of their candidates winning the elections.



Voters who take resort of superstitions are those who fear the encroachment of their rights by the winning of the wrong candidate. Living in such an age where we know logic often has no value and the human rights will not be protected leads to take shelter of superstitions. Another of voter’s superstitions says some people on hearing the election of the wrong candidate even tend to knock on the wood thrice which means that they are hoping for the best to happen even after the wrong candidate has won the elections.

When math, science and all other logical explanations fail, superstition and sometimes conspiracy theories spread in sports or politics. Some people even link the outcome of elections to whatever they were doing that they were sure their actions caused the election to go their way. In those cases where the election went the ‘wrong’ way they even go so far as to blame the loss on what they did. Although you may or may not personally believe in any of these or other >voter’s superstitions you will hear or read about some of them the next contentious election or important comes up.

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