Superstition Questions and Answers
During the 18th century Age of Enlightenment, opposition to superstition was a central concern of the intellectuals. During that time the philosophers ridiculed any belief in miracles, magic, revelation, or the supernatural, as “superstition.” This typically included much of Christian doctrine.
The word superstition is often used in a derogatory, or belittling way to refer to religious practices (e.g., Voodoo) other than the one prevailing in a given society (e.g., Christianity in western culture). That was in spite of the prevailing religion probably containing just as many supernatural beliefs of its own. Superstition is also commonly applied to beliefs and practices surrounding luck, prophecy and spiritual beings, especially the belief that future events can be foretold by specific unrelated prior events.
Here are some questions about superstitions submitted by different people to Yahoo answers. Realize that Suzie Q or whoever answers represents mostly ordinary people answering these questions so use your own judgement about the answers.
Questions on Superstitions
James asks…
superstition on moving to a new apartment?
what brings good luck in love , peace and money?
Suzi Q answers:
Simply good energy. Happiness. How you feel at starting there, starting fresh. Keep things uncluttered but comfortable and homey.
The stuff about leaving peels or pennies is hogwash.
Daniel asks…
Found a red bracelet on the ground…?
Today I found this red braded bracelet on the ground next to my bus-stop. I read somewhere that if you find something red or pink on the ground you have to pick it up and you’ll have good luck in your love life. Do you think its true? And other superstitions like this one have you heard?
Suzi Q answers:
To apply this sort of thinking to an object is purely on the mentality of the beholder. And with that said, you don’t need to find something like that, in those colors, on the ground in order to have luck in your love life. You make your own luck by simply willing it to be.
The red bracelet on the ground means that someone is walking around with out their beloved bracelet. Nothing more.
Helen asks…
How would you feel if you devoted one day of the week for 30 years towards a superstition?
Suzi Q answers:
ONE day? I live in the Bible Belt and I know people who go to church twice on Sundays AND on Wednesdays, not to mention prayer group on Mondays and Thursdays and choir practice on Saturday. Oh, and most Catholic churches offer mass every single day. In this part of the country, a lot of people’s entire lives revolve around their church. It blows my mind.
James asks…
Are there any ballet superstitions? or performing superstitions?
Suzi Q answers:
My friend told me that if you talk about good luck before a play you get bad luck if you say break a leg its good luck and be careful is bad luk. @@Matorin
Donald asks…
Do you have any superstitions that you know are silly, but you do them anyway?
Suzi Q answers:
Wear the same shorts and shirt to my sons ballgames as long as their team is winning…
I also park in the same parking spot as well. The other parents and fans have learned me and leave it empty for me as long as we are winning…
Won’t do or say things in three’s…
Cover my ears or run back in the house before I hear an owl hoot three times…
Always knock on wood…
To name a few : )
Jenny asks…
What superstitions do you believe in when watching a game?
I recently saw this on Around the Horn and thought it’d be cool to ask here. So when your team is playing, do you have any weird superstitions you believe in? For example sitting a certain way, wearing a favorite shirt, crossing your arms etc?
Suzi Q answers:
I’m bad luck :l
I was on the road working and I never got
to watch Eagles games, but my first game back which
was the Eagles Cowboys, last game.. And you know how that
went….It’s all my fault 🙁
Helen asks…
What could be some video ideas for Superstitions in Huck Finn?
In English class we are doing a multi-media project for the book Huck Finn and our group decided to do a video. However we have no idea’s for what we should do for a video. We have been given the theme of superstitions. So we have to do something with the superstitions displayed in the book and superstitions in the world today and how it affects people’s lives. Any Idea’s?
Suzi Q answers:
Hair BallFrom Shmoop/Superstition/Huck Finn
Thomas asks…
What are the superstitions about wearing your wedding dress before you get married outside of bridal shops?
My sister is getting married soon, are there any superstitions about wearing he wedding dress out of bridal shops, or traditional things you can do?
Suzi Q answers:
Nooooo – the only “superstition” is for the groom not to see the dress before the wedding.
Many brides get bridal portraits taken beforehand.
The traditional thing to do is keep it from getting dirty.
Nancy asks…
How many superstitions are their in the world?
Does anyone have any idea how many superstitions there are in the world? It’s for an english essay.
What are some of the stupidest susperstitions you know/believe in/someone you know believes.
Suzi Q answers:
A lot, read the Bible its full of them.
Questions powered by Yahoo! Answers
Book Information

Pseudoscience and Extraordinary Claims of the Paranormal: A Critical Thinker's Toolkit: Click Image through to Amazon for more Information
The book:Pseudoscience and Extraordinary Claims of the Paranormal
Editorial Reviews
“An excellent, engaging, and highly readable introduction to the paranormal and to the distinction between science and pseudoscience. A superb student-friendly guide to extraordinary claims. Chock full of interesting and fun examples, not to mention humor. Should become a favorite in undergraduate psychology courses.”
–Scott O. Lilienfeld, Emory University
“Can you be both a critical thinker and a believer in the paranormal? The “reality checks” in Jonathan Smith’s Critical Thinker’s Toolkit will guide you to your answer.”
–Robert Todd Carroll, author of The Skeptic’s Dictionary
“This book, particularly in regard to its discussion of memory errors and its insistence on the value of real science, takes a place of prominence on my personal library shelf.”
–James Randi, Chairman of the James Randi Educational Foundation
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