Dream Q&A 3
Questions About Dreams
Presented by Charles L Harmon
Paul asks…
dreams..bad luck or good luck?
i had a dream last night..i saw someone died..im not sure if it was a dream or maybe something i watched yesterday..but every time i think about it..its seems like a dream..what does it men??is it bad or good luck??
Suzi Q answers:
When someone dies, they leave us. If you did not know this person, then the event would have less affect. I hope someone in your life does not leave you, disconnect from you. You just may be concerned with the issue of death, and not comfortable with it. Luck is not really determined by dreams, other than if you do really well in dreams and are lucky in them, it means you have spiritual energy in reserve, that can be used when needed. Luck runs out when you are worn out spiritually, then your luck will depend on the good will you have built up in relationship to others, who could help you when you need the help.
Susan asks…
Is it good luck to die in our dreams?
Suzi Q answers:
NEVER but also can mean that you need to change all in your life ,boyfriend-girlfriend,lifestyle friends,room at hoe at school,way you act,what you do because there is something wrong and if you don’t changed it can go all the way to cost your life, on the bright side maybe is just something that has to come or is coming to end, relationship,friendship,job,school and that will impact big in your life.
Pray and be nice to all,and then you will be nice to yourself.
Michael asks…
does my dream mean good luck?
last night i had a dream that i checked my email and all i read was: “good luck marci” [my name is marci] and also had a dream that it was raining, does this mean good luck?
if not, does anyone know what it means?
Suzi Q answers:
Some one is sending you positive energy, which might well turn into good luck. You must have done something to deserve this good will, since everything has to be earned to some degree. Dreams of rain can mean a lot of things since rain can be positive and help life grow, or negative like messing up one’s plans or causing flooding. It all depends on the context of the dream. Meditate/pray, exercise, and eat healthy, and you will get stronger spiritually, which will give you luck when you most need it.
Jenny asks…
Why is it good luck to see yourself crying in your dream?
i had this dream where i saw my self crying. i’ve been told that it is good luck but i have no idea why, nor does the person who told me.
so, can anyone please tell me why it is good luck to see yourself crying in your dream.
thanks to whoever answers 🙂
Suzi Q answers:
See yourself crying in a dream shows any problems that you have been trying to figure out will finally become clear. Thinking of changing jobs,school,or moving to a new place will no longer be undecided for you soon will know just what is best to do in any situation.
Steven asks…
Good luck with all your hopes and dreams! .?
Suzi Q answers:
Thx same to you
Charles asks…
Does dreaming of gold a sign of good luck and wealth?
This night,I dreamed of finding a lot of gold surrounding me and I also handled them very easily. I have never had such a wonderful dream.Please interpret this dream.
Suzi Q answers:
You should feel good about your dream, because it is obviously very positive. But don’t necessarily expect that it means you’re going to get rich or come into a windfall. Notice that you did not dream about realistic currency (dollars or whatever) but about GOLD, which is a magical, symbolical substance, like something out of fairy tales or alchemy. It can just symbolize something of very great value. It does not suggest lowly materialistic value (cash or anything that would encourage you to be greedy and acquisitive), but more likely wisdom, spiritual goodness, or greatness of some kind. It could mean golden potential within you–since you handled it easily, it shows you have competence, skill, or even great talent (and “talent” is another word for money in the Bible). So whatever you are good at and love to do, keep on developing that, and you will prosper one way or another, though don’t fixate on the idea of acquiring wealth because that could just be a pointless fantasy (unless making pots of money is actually your goal in life).
Thomas asks…
is having a dream about ur teeth falling out good luck?
because i heard that from my gf that it means new begins/good luck?
Suzi Q answers:
Haha, I think so. My grandmother used to say that if you dreamt of your teeth falling out, it meant or that you would make money easily (e.g. Win a bet)
Helen asks…
What are some dreams come true for you in life?
Not like like sleepy dreams, but feel free if you want to say those as well. I mean stuff you were pushing for to happen and they did. Well anyhow good luck with your dreams and goals and also to add to the question perhaps you would like to leave some dreams you have for the future you want to come true.
Suzi Q answers:
-The first play I ever wrote won a contest and got produced in L.A..
– For awhile there, I experienced true love; rose-covered cottage and all.
– I got to retire early from my job.
Future dream? To visit Ireland, Italy, and Australia.
William asks…
Is it good or bad luck to dream of a wedding without a groom…?
I am seeing a new guy and I have this habit of putting interested men in
a grooms suit and thinking about my wedding dress !!! Any old
wives tale or about this.. I thought I broke this habit a while ago…
Anyway, I am putting off being intimate with him for as long as possible until some sort of committment is made… Any thoughts
Suzi Q answers:
I think it’s fine. It’s like playing dress up. Some dress just don’t look that great if the men is not matching… So you either have to change the dress or the men….
Lizzie asks…
i had a weird dream that i was a sexy hot chick…what does my dream means?
I dreamt i was a hot sexy chick, n i was at this bus stop in a forested area waiting for the city bus, it was afternoon. then suddenly the bushes moved n a weird looking animal, half dog half cat n with legs like horse, came out n wanted to bite my butt. i screamed like girl say ‘AHHHH HOLY SHAT GAWD!!’
Then the bendy bus stopped in front of me, n i hopped on. The bus was like a futuristic vehicle, there was no bus captain. I saw a mini bar, n a robot appeared n asked me what would i like to have. (for a drink)
I scolded it f%%% u, n then it became pissed n shot soft drinks from a long pipe, into my chest (i think i was wearing a black racer back tank top), n my top all wet n my bra was soaked n i could feel the sticky liquid on my boobs.
i as approached the rear of the bus, i saw passengers but they were all sealed in capsules like cryogenic frozen like in some scifi movie like the Alien. I screamed in fear n want to get out of the bus, but then i felt a tentacle reached into the back pocket of my denim mini shorts n wanted to hold me back. i ran forward with all my might n i think my pocket got ripped off.
then cant remember what happen next, but i was at the pavement n then i saw a big shopping mall in the distance, n den i realized i left my flip flops on the bus?? coz i was like barefooted. Next up i cant remember much but later on i was inside the mall.
It had many neon links blinking at the storefront of the various boutique shops.
i think i wanted to buy a pair of shoes from Pac Sun store n den i was inside, i looked around, the clothes n footwear were all like locked in a transparent glass display cabinet, weird? So i asked a black salesgirl for a pair of cute sandals, female size 38, n later she returns with a box which seems to be a steel box? weird sh1t…
i opened up so i could try on the shoe, but i saw some steel tools n i dropped them.
They landed on my feet n injured my pedicured nails i think!! ouccch my poor feet n i think next scene i limped then cant remember what happened next.
next i was inside a department store n a salesgirl wearing shades pulled me n wanted to demo makeup on my face, n later on she applied face powder n it was actually curry powder!! Next up for the blusher, it felt like chili powder. i smelled it n my face was burning….so spicy n hot. omg!! WTF…whats wrong??
i ran away crying…sob sob boohoohoo, i ran out the entrance of the shopping center, the ground in front had some small holes where water fountain will shoot up once every few minutes. when i went pass, the water all started shooting up n i got all wet n i could not get out of the water maze, i was trapped by 3 feet of spouting water from every direction.
then i woke up, it was so scary, but i was back to being a guy n not the hot sexy chick i was in my dream, i n felt upset coz i really wanted to be a babe instead.
Suzi Q answers:
Maybe the dream just meant that that’s how girls feel some times. Used for things and somthings maybe scary to them but u just think its all fun and games.
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