Lucky Numbers Q&A
Questions about Lucky Numbers
Presented by Yolky D Egg.
All of us probably have what we consider a lucky number. That’s whether we believe in lucky numbers or not. Maybe it gives us comfort to think a certain number is lucky for us. Maybe something happened that was good and a number was associated with it: maybe a date, maybe an age, who knows what.
In some cultures certain numbers are considered lucky. It could be for any number of reasons or the reason why may have been lost during the ages but still people say that number is lucky. In some cultures the number 8 is a lucky, other 7 is a lucky. The number 108 might be a lucky number in your culture.
More often than not, lucky numbers in a culture really do have a reason the numbers are considered lucky, even though it might not be known today. On the other hand some numbers like number 13 are considered unlucky numbers, but we won’t concern ourselves with such numbers in this article.
Here are some questions submitted to the Yahoo Answers site by ordinary people for the most part along with answers that the question asker considered the best answer. As you’ll see these are not academic or researched answers, but they give you an idea of what people think about a lucky number.
Linda asks…
Which numbers are considered luckier for a car number plate – 881 or 886?
Luvli Mystii answers:
881 would be luckier in my opinion.. See the 1?
David asks…
Why are three and seven considered by some to be a lucky number?
I’m writing a story and need a theory because the hero is somewhat cynical as he is drawn into another dimension but is still sceptical about a lot of things. I need some ‘proof’ that three or seven are lucky numbers. Also, which one is more lucky? Three or Seven? Which one should I use for a company of heroes embarking on a quest?
Thanks a ton in advance! 🙂
Luvli Mystii answers:
3 = holy trinity
7 = days of the week, and sunday is the 7th day, which is also holy
John asks…
Why do you consider a number or numbers to be lucky or sacred?
What are the numbers?
Luvli Mystii answers:
0123456789 or any combination of them in any way posible
Ruth asks…
Are you considered ‘lucky’ at winning things?
Do you think you are?
All of my friends win money, lucky dips and raffles, etc… never me! lol
I haven’t even won £10 for matching 3 numbers in the lottery, despite doing the bloody thing for 2 years!
Luvli Mystii answers:
I can be very lucky, yes.
Helen asks…
I would like to know why people from certain cultures hold beliefs about numbers as being lucky or not?
60 is the base for time, but where and how did this originate? Why is 13 considered unlucky, and 7 lucky? Where can I find information about the origin such things? Do you know a website that describes this? Thanks
Luvli Mystii answers:
Numerology is the attempt to assign portent to a number.
60 is the base of time because of this:
This explains how instead of a base 10 like we use today, other older cultures had a different base. A better question might be,”Why do we use base ten?” The easy answer is because we have ten fingers and it makes counting easier.
13 is considered unlucky for a few reasons (one of which is actually tied to why 7 is lucky).
Here’s a fair one: point is the number of completion 7 (God’s number) and the number of the beast 6 (Lucifer’s number; also seen in the number 666), added together is a numeric reference to the day of Judgment…an unlucky day for anyone religious or superstitious.
The last person to answer this question did a fair job also:
7, being the day God rested, is considered a lucky number because of it’s association with Him. There are other reasons. They can be found here: luck!
Maria asks…
Why is the number 7 lucky? [20characters]?
I am writing an essay for english class about lucky and unlucky numbers, and I need to know, why is the number 7 considered lucky? Thanks in advance (:
Luvli Mystii answers:
There are many reasons for this. Almost every culture, religion, and belief has its own explanation relating to why the number seven is the perfect number (with the Chinese being the exception for they often consider it as unlucky).
The Greek Pythagoreans called seven the `perfect number’ as it is the sum of three and four, the numbers of points in the triangle and the square. Also according to Judo-Christian belief, seven is God’s number as there are seven days in the original Creation. It is also the highest single-digit prime number. The heptagon, the symbol for luck, has seven points.
We can find many natural sets in this world that come in seven (most of them related to Christian belief):
Seven circles of Hell
Seven ancient planets (Sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter)
Seven seas
Seven gods in Classical Greece and Rome
Seven Days a week
Seven Deadly Sins/Seven Holy Virtues
Seven petition for the Lord’s Prayer
Ken asks…
Has anyone ever bought a lotto ticket and their lucky dip numbers matched their own numbers?
If for example someone used the same set of numbers every week on one line and a lucky dip on the 2nd. Then by chance the random generated lucky dip produced the same numbers as their usual numbers so they end up with a ticket with the same numbers on each line.
If the lucky-dip algorithm is truly random like the national lottery say it is, this should have happened quite a lot in the past when you consider people win the jackpot all the time because the odds must be the same.
It wouldn’t be worth having a lottery if the jackpot wasn’t rare. Thats the whole point of itPersonally, for a single measly quid each week I enjoy the chance. Yes it’s unlikely that i’ll win but you have as good of a chance as anyone and hundreds of people have won in the past. Also, forget the jackpot..tens of thousands of people have won life-changing amounts from playing, in fact I know someone who won about 90k so its very possible anyone could get a nice sum so long as they play
I really feel sorry for people like you who’s glass is always half empty. Statistic’s do nothing except breed sceptics and wheres the fun in that? But if you insist on statistic’s, I once left my house, sliped on an empty packet of crisps then bumped into a long lost friend before being struck in the face by a low flying bird. Work out the statistics of all that happening to someone. Pretty long huh! well, it still all happenedAt the end of the day, the odds are much longer if you don’t buy a ticket.
Luvli Mystii answers:
The odds of a lucky dip matching a player’s usual numbers are the same as the lucky dip matching the jack pot for any given week: about 14,000,000/1
So I don’t think it happens very often at all.
In fact, statistically you have a better chance of dying on the way to buy a ticket than you do of winning the lottery. I hope that hits home how rare it really is lol.
I’m not saying people don’t win the lottery, or even that your chances are lower than anyone else, I play the lotto sometimes. Your question was whether a lucky dip had exactly matched a player’s usual set numbers. The winning numbers have nothing to do with your question.
In fact it’s even less likely than 14,000,000/1 because people who have set numbers every week don’t tend to play lucky dip anyway…. SO it’s very unlikely.
Winning the lotto, regardless of how you pick your numbers is about 14,000,000/1 (per line of course, two lines would make it 7,000,000/1, but I’m sure you knew that!)
Michael asks…
Why am I so fascinated with the numbers 3 and 7?
I’m an Aquarius (Feb. 3rd)…It’s not like I see these numbers everywhere, it’s just that I find them important for some reason.
I consider 7 as my lucky number even though, it has never brought me good luck nor bad luck (as far as I can tell).
Am I just weird…?
Luvli Mystii answers:
Not weird at all, on the contrary, very tuned in without knowing why. Well, the queen of Sheba has given you a great deal to think about. I can’t avoid repeating some things she has said, but there will also be a bit more depth to it.
Start with 3: This is the number of creativity because 1 is solo, but 2 makes procreation possible and the 3 is the result of this interaction. Because of this 3 is the number of procreation and therefore also of creation and creativity.
The 7 is derived from the lunar cycle divided into 4 parts resulting in 7 days. 4×7=28, which is the lunar cycle as you well know. Actually the sun too has a 28 day cycle; but in this case the cycle applies to the solar magnetism that irradiates the earth. For seven days the sun showers the earth with positive magnetism, then for another 7 days with negative irradiation, and then another 7 days with positive radiation and then another 7 days with negative radiation. By the end of 28 days the 4 magnetic quarters have come full circle. After that the round begins again.Now when you add the 3 of creativity and the 7 of the moon’s quarters together you get 10. 10 is the number of perfection. After 10 a new cycle begins on a higher level, so you can see 7 and 3 are the perfect complement. You can see why the ancients considered the 3 and the 7 to be sacred numbers. There are always three moon goddesses for instance; and many gods form a trinity like father son and the holy ghost. Another 3 derived from the moon’s behavior is the fact that when it has vanished from the sky it takes 3 days before the new moon becomes visible again. This is the reason why it is said that Christ, who originally was a lunar deity, rose again after 3 days. (Easter is fixed as the first Sunday after the first FULL MOON after the spring equinox).
From this you can gather that the 3 and the 7 are culturally prominent numbers and therefore it is not surprising that they are engrained in your lower reaches of your mind. But there is also a purely mathematical reason why these two number ‘tango’ with one another. It is not just because their sums results in the perfect 10, but also because they are inversely entangled as well. This comes to light when you count in 3’s to 30 and in 7’s to 70 and then look how their respective units run. Translated into numbers this looks like this:
3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30. Now just count the Units:3,6,9,2,5,8,1,4,7, 07,14,21,28,35,42,49,56,63,70, Now the Units only: 7,4,1,8,5,2,9,6,3, 0
Can you see how their respective unit-count runs in opposite directions? If you now add up these units of each count you get perfect complementarity; always the number 10 of perfection:
3+7=10, 6+4=10, 9+1=10, 2+8=10, 5+5=10, 8+2=10, 1+9=10, 4+6=10, 7+3=10.
So what else can you see?
Charles asks…
i need help with a probability problem?
a bowl contains 40 balls numbered 1 through 10.if the numbers 1 through 10 are considered lucky and two balls are drawn from the bowl
without replacement,find the probability that neither ball is lucky
Luvli Mystii answers:
The probability is zero. If balls are numbered 1 through 10 and 1 through ten are considered lucky. Then all the balls in the bowl are lucky.
Sandra asks…
What do my lucky numbers mean?
My lucky numbers are 7, 17. What do they mean. They have always gave me very good luck.
Luvli Mystii answers:
7s are heaven numbers. In numerology 7 says it has to do with thoughts and consciousness. And the number 17 derives to 8 (1+7) and 8 means Power and Sacrifice.
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Now what do you feel about lucky numbers? Do you have a particular number that you consider your lucky number?
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